January 28th- "Song for a Whale" recordings
Posted on January 28 2021https://youtu.be/H5PzDUQUEBg
Worried? Overwhelmed? Sleepless? Struggling? It’s okay. We’re here to help. Livingstone Range School Division’s Family School Liaison Counsellors are trained and ready to help students and staff…
All students registered with Isabelle Sellon School (including online and at home learners) are welcome to participate in our winter ski /snowboard program with Pass Powderkeg! All forms and consents…
Parents and Guardians, Please note that due to exams at CCHS, Isabelle Sellon bus students may have an earlier afternoon drop off from their regular time on both Wednesday, Jan. 27th and Thursday, Jan.…
On January 27th, we will reveal the title of our 8th book to be read through the family literacy project in our 1Book5Schools community! On this date, books will be sent home with the youngest child in…
With Kindergarten to Grade 12 students returning to in-person classes on January 11, 2021, Education Minister Adriana LaGrange shares a letter with parents. https://www.alberta.ca/article-letter-to-parents.aspx…
Welcome 2021! Please check out our newsletter!
Wishing you all a festive holiday season and a Happy New Year! We will see students online January 4th. ISS Winter Concert
Donations to our local food bank have totaled $475! Thank you to all students and staff who contributed to share this special gift with our local food bank! The proud winner of the snowman quilt is Walker!
If your child requires a chromebook during the week of January 4th-8th for online learning, please call Amber at the school office to arrange a time to pick up this technology and complete the necessary…
Students and Families, Due to a warehouse shortage, the SPARK Yo Yo from the Specialty Selection is sold out and is currently on back order. This yo yo will need to be purchased online at home from https://www.shopned.com…
Please watch for an upcoming communication to declare your intent regarding the LRSD Continuity of Learning plan for the second half of the school year. This letter will be sent home December 11th with…
A reminder to students and families of our updated bell times: Outside supervision begins at 8:15am Staggered entry begins at 8:25am with all classes on their way inside by 8:30am. Students who arrive…
December newsletter
Thank you to our stakeholders for your feedback and participation in our School Year Calendars Thoughtexchange, which ran November 23-27, 2020. We had 264 participants sharing 283 thoughts, with 6,928…
Due to online learning for Grades 7-12, buses will not be driving to CCHS at the end of the school day. Expect your child to be dropped off from the bus about 10 minutes earlier than the usual time from…
From: Darryl Seguin, SuperintendentTo: All Staff, Students, and Parents/Guardians Yesterday the provincial government announced new mandatory public health measures across Alberta to protect the health…
Two Medical Officers of Health from the AHS South Zone have issued an advisory regarding student social gatherings and the potential for COVID-19 transmission from social gatherings. AHS asks that public…
The attached documents may be helpful to determine next steps for families if your child is symptomatic. COVID-19 Screening Daily Checklist Symptomatic? How long to stay home from school