UPDATE- September 5th

As we approach the first day of classes on September 5th, a few important updates and reminders:
- Our school has updated our policy on hats and headwear from last school year. This year, any headwear is kept in student lockers during classes Monday to Thursday. This includes wearing a hoodie over your head. Students are welcome to wear headwear during classes on Friday's. As always, if any hats, headwear cause distraction during classtime, a teacher can direct that students put it in their locker.
- A reminder about cell phones- If a student chooses to bring a cell phone to the school, it is to be kept in their locker. If there is concern over loss or theft, the cell phone can be turned into Amber for safe keeping at the office, or to your child's classroom teacher. Students are also reminded that cell phones are kept in this safe space during recess breaks.
- Our school continues to be funded by the Alberta government's Nutritition program. Please note however, that this program will not be fully in place on Sept. 5th. We will have only small snacks available on this day.
- Following the first bell Tuesday morning, students will line up with their classroom teacher on the tarmac. We will do a quick welcome and introduction of staff outside, then students will enter the school to begin their first day of classes. Watch for an upcoming post to share details of our first student led assembly of the year!
- Meet the Teacher and Welcome Back BBQ is Sept. 5th between 5-6pm on our school tarmac and playground.
Have a safe long weekend everyone! Our staff is looking forward to a great school year!